In the Press: Drift Magazine

Earlier this year, before the world changed, I was approached for a feature in a local Cornish magazine as part of the annual Cornwall Open Studios event.

It was to be my first time participating in the Open Studios, and the PR who contacted me, Jilly Easterby, wanted to write a piece that wove together my art and the benefits of being out in nature with the event.

There was even talk of putting me on the cover of the magazine!It was all very exciting… until the virus hit and the Open Studios were postponed, perhaps cancelled, and everything fell away.
The project went on the back burner while we waited to see what would happen.
Once the country gradually began to open back up after lockdown, the Open Studios were reinstated - later than planned, and with restrictions - but still, we were back on!
Unfortunately, and understandably, we lost our original article {and cover}, but the good news was that Jilly had landed us an article in a different local luxury magazine, Drift.
With a combination of Ian’s and my own photography, and words by Jilly {with my input}, the final article is beautiful. I’m so delighted we were able to bring it to life after all.
You can purchase a print copy of Drift magazine here, or click here to read it online.